Thursday 13 February 2014

Recent Purchase Review (ASOS)

Recently, I brought  this ASOS Vintage Look Jewel Ring, it was only £6 and manged to squeeze its way into my checkout bag.... was it a mistake?

The Product matches the image, very cute to wear and has a definite vintage feel to the ring, i think this is because of the shape of the fake diamonds and then the dark blue coloured centre.

was it a good buy?
I think if you don't have enough accessories (like me) and want to grow your ring collection - this is a great piece to add to it. It's  very sweet gift, strong so far...
my only criticisms so far is that the edges can get caught of things really easily, which is a bit annoying and I've also found that my finger has started to go green... this may be because i got it a tiny bit wet... but how else am i supposed to wash my hands?! 

Anyway, a good friend from uni, suggested that you could paint your ring with clear nail varnish.. so it is something I will try and hope it will work. Otherwise my fingers will be turning into a HULK hand or something (supposed to be a joke... sounded better in my head)

                                                  Charlotte x

Wednesday 5 February 2014


About 2 weeks ago, I went to Amsterdam with a couple of university friends. yes be jel! just kidding! 
It was great fun! Went to this bar called THE BULLDOG in Dam Square!! Love it in there! It was so much fun! all the music, the shots.....yes there is no rest for the wicked!!! in 2 days i had just 10 hours sleep! and I LOVE SLEEP!!! honestly, don't know how i coped! Below are just a few images!
(I am the last person on the right, rocking my grunge green coat i got for Christmas from ASOS with my orange scarf... trying to get noticed -fashion crisis!)

(Possibly the most alcoholic cocktail drink I have ever had in my life! Still was great fun!)

I would recommend going there! its just great fun, I went for 4 days and 3 nights, just be prepared to party (if you're a party animal) if not, its great for sightseeing!!

Charlotte x


So I have a confession..........

I am an ASOS addict, I visit the site everyday, either on the ipad app or just going on their website.

I have added a record- breaking..... I repeat record- breaking 62 items in my wishlist!!!! I want to shop till I drop, but whenever I do, the next week there is an offer like 20% for students or something, and then I end up buying more... which really is not good for my bank account. (I'm sorry bank account... i love you really!)

Anyway, I thought I would show you some of the best things on my wish list and what I think! (if you are interested)
I really love this tunic! I think it can be considered to be in the sporty trend, but most of all I would categorize it to be in the patterns and print trend. Both trends are really popular at the minute. (check out ASOS and puma collaboration - it looks totally 90s!) I love that this tunic oversized and has a slouchy fit as I tend to get hot quickly, especially when I am rushing around at uni. 

Vagabond! my love for you is like my love for cadburys dairy milk chocolate covered in strawberries = LUSH!
There was the jelly shoe..... and now we have something even better! I mean much better! I love love love the thick heeel!!! anything with a chunky heel makes me want to drool over it... (ok, not a nice sight, but you get me right?) If only you were on my feet!!!! Also, I am an absolute sucker for black shoes or black ankle boots! 

Has anyone else got a massive wishlist on ASOS.... i think i could add more... but I would just make myself sad that I cannot afford it all :(

Charlotte x

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Catch Up!

So one of my new years resolutions is to try and blog more....
I have been so busy recently, just with uni and work and busy in amsterdam that i have not been blogging at
all. so i am sorry guys! there will be a blogging catch up happening!

enjoy! x