Monday 31 December 2012

Curves are finally being accepted!

As being a curvy woman myself, accepting the fact that you know, I love food, who doesn't. This news on the Daily Mail about Curvy women finally being on the London Fashion Week Runway, did in fact make my day.
Being a curvy woman and living in the UK, knowing about obesity, I think it has become knowledgeable that we are infact not the skinniest nation. But what does that matter?? The average size in the UK is probably a size 14 -18, for most women. So why is it only now that curvy women have JUST been accepted to feature on a London catwalk.

This links me back to when Karl Lagerfeld's comment about the amazing singer Adele cropped up about her being 'too fat'. Not only did Adele find this offensive and commented back saying 'I represent the majority of women and I'm very proud of that',but I found it as a throw back, I liked both Adele and Karl. Yes he may entitled to his opinion, but there is a saying that if you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it at all.

So, with Curvy women, accepting who they are, this makes me think that after these curvy models will be featured on the London Fashion Week catwalk, will it be a continuing thing?? 

This also made me wonder about weight in general, why are we so worried about weight, why can't we accept our bodies for what they are, we only live once, so make do with what you have and be happy! 

So I wish you all a happy new year! and be happy! look after yourselves :) 

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Grab It and Don't Regret It!

I have the feeling that I am a little (actually MADLY) obsessed with ASOS at the minute....
This may have something to do with the fact, that my friend always buys really nice clothes from there and always has an amazing style or it may be that the style of Asos's fashion is turning out to be more like my style. Either way, I LOVE YOU ASOS!

So why did I buy this Jumper?
  • I love GREY! yes, I know it can be classed as boring and original (as some say), but I think you can wear it nicely with some thick black legging or jeans and some lovely high boots!
  • It was at a decrease price of £26.00, you know when you get on a website and you think.... i should get this now, as it won't stay this price forever..... so yes it is true I did in fact buy this product on IMPULSE....
  • I love the engraved pattern on the jumper - it looks like a comfortable granddad jumper and because it's cold outside - I have a good excuse to wear it.
More excitingly on Instragram I have seen that Rihanna is having a collection at River Island..... what do you think it's going to be like? I'm excited!!!

Sunday 25 November 2012

Still Trying To Find That Perfect Christmas Present..... Look No Further!

Hi Everyone,
My friend is selling mugs on eBay. They could be perfect for a birthday present or even a Christmas present. Or even treat yourself - why not! :)
                                     (Only sold in the UK

There are a range of mugs, here's some of them: 

  • Keep calm and Kiss me Quick
  • Keep Calm and Glam On
  • Keep calm and keep texting
  • Keep calm and cuddle up
  • Britain's best mum
  • Keep calm and Tweet on
  • Keep calm its britains best dad
  • Keep calm its only christmas
  • Keep calm and Go Fishing
  • Keep calm and Drink Tea
  • Keep calm and carry on cooking
  • Keep calm and drink wine
There are over 41 mugs to chose from! Check the seller's feedback and other items here:

1 month till Christmas, so get shopping :) 

Friday 23 November 2012


I went to my friend's 18th birthday party last saturday, which was really lovely - i had a really good time! I need to get my ID sorted out, so I can go clubbing, so that will defiinetly be on my next to-do list!!!
Here's just some pictures, of what I've been up to: 

my friend and I being retarded and using icons to talk lol

An amazing bomber jacket modeled by my friend Grace. From Urban Outfitters in the sale!

My friend's doggie x

I used this app, just messing around reallyyyy, but looks pretty sick :)